Digital Archive: Videos
As part of the Digital Archive Project in progress at APDP, a collection of comprising of lectures, speeches, interviews, documentary films and press videos are presented on this page. The page will grow as more items appear in publication. Feel free to browse through and watch any of the videos presented here. About Our Digital Archive Project
The Dear Disappeared (2018) – Iffat Fatima
The Dear Disappeared (2018) – is a film about the enforced disappearance of Fayaz Ahmad Beigh, Srinagar, Kashmir in 1990. This film has been partially funded through Dr. Goldie Osuri’s collaborative project with The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (The project was funded by the University of Warwick’s Social Sciences ESRC Impact Acceleration Account).
The Endless Wait for Justice: Enforced Disappearances in Kashmir – by Video Volunteers
Nadiya Shafi reports from Jammu & Kashmir for Video Volunteers. Parveena Ahangar has united victims across the valley to demand that the state gives them back their disappeared family members.
Where Have You Hidden My New Moon Crescent – by Iffat Fatima
The film “Where Have You Hidden My New Moon Crescent” is made in collaboration with the Association of the Parents of Disappeared Persons in Kashmir (APDP). The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP), is a collective of the family members of the victims of enforced disappearances in Kashmir, seeking information about the whereabouts of their disappeared relatives.
The film is a tribute to Mughal Mase and her relentless quest for justice and redress. It explores issues of memory, violence and healing. Mughal Mase lived in Habba Kadal, Srinagar, Kashmir. On September 1, 1990, her only son Nazir Ahmed Teli, who was a teacher was disappeared, never to be found again.
Kashmiris: Contested Present, Possible Futures (Session II) – University of Westminster and the University of Warwick
A joint event organised by the Emerging Powers programme, Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), University of Westminster; and the University of Warwick (Institute of Advanced Study, the Department of Sociology and the Connecting Cultures as well as the International Development Global Research Priorities Networks).
Organisers: Dr Dibyesh Anand (University of Westminster) and Dr Goldie Osuri (University of Warwick)
11.45-1pm Panel two — State violence, human rights abuses and struggle for justice
Parveena Ahangar
Professor Fozia Qazi (translator)
Dr Goldie Osuri (moderator)
(Documentary film at the start is by Iffat Fatima)